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Saturday SJ AntaresOne, SJ Proxema, SJ Phylexes, SJ Viper, SJ Rask666 SJ Donner, and SJ duelist played in Chaos March. SJ Rishingo, SJ SpetnazBear, SJ Rask666, SJ Phylexes, SJ AntaresOne, SJ Proxema, and SJ duelist returned to Chaos Sunday.
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SJ Rask666 recommended an entrance trial for Kururu420. SaKhan duelist agreed to this request. So a trial befitting of our traditions was administered. Our clan requires strength among the membership so a pilot must prove they are worthy of joining our ranks. Our bylaws demand a pilot defeat a minimum of one of our members in single combat. The challenger is afforded three opportunities to accomplish this task. Kururu420 had the right to select the weight class or the map for each trial. Kururu420 exerecised the selection of TSA Palisades for each battle.
SJ Rask666 oversaw the first battle as the SaKhan was pulled in to fight. SJ duelist set assault class for the battle.
SJ Rask666 then moved into combat in the heavy class for the second fight.
Lights were used in the final battle with Spetsnazbear.
Kururu420 earned the right to call himself SJ with the defeat of the SaKhan. Revel in your victory. Welcome aboard, Kururu420. But stand ready as the jaguar never sleeps!
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Spetsnazbear has played with us for most of this year. We were in a pub game talking about SJ and he asked for a trial. And so came about our tradition of making new recruits face off against three existing SJ members to test the strength of the candidate. Spetsnazbear traveled a somewhat different path than the other recruits. The entry trial allows the challenger to choose a map or the weight class for both combatants. The pilots then face off in honorable combat.
First he faced SJ duelist in light class on TSA Sandbalsted.
His next opponent was SJ Proxema. They took mediums on TSA Helsgate.
SJ Rask666 followed in lights on TSA AcidKoth.
Spetsnazbear was unable to fall any opponent during this trial. So he then tried to gain entry as an air pilot against SJ NetraCuyanKyram on TSA Clearcut. SJ Red, actcing as the lore master, decleared the trial resutls invalid due to both pilots crashing their plane.
Finally, Spetsnazbear faced SJ Kururu420 in a combined entry trial. Ths match was on TSA Palisades in light class.
(video uploading)
So now let it be known that Spetsnazbear is officially a member of the clan. Let there be celebration. So welcome Spetsnazbear. But stay vigilant for the jaguar never sleeps.
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We had a pretty busy weekend. SJ Proxema and SJ duelist led our faction into battle Saturday. Joining the cause were SJ Vic Viper V1, SJ Rask666, SJ Kidzin, SJ Phylexes, SJ Rookzero and SJ Donner. We returned late Sunday and played some all SJ drops in the league. SJ Phylexes, SJ Kidzin, SJ Rookzero, SJ Spetsnazbear, SJ Rask666, SJ Donner, SJ Proxema, and SJ Kururu420 participated. We held an entry trial for Kururu420 Sunday. SJ Red stopped by to chat wih us as well. Our faction nexts battles in Chaos in about two weeks. But we will be back this coming weekend to play in the league for other factions. Our clan is playing every day in the public games so hop on teamspeak mwll.mekmaster.com and play along fellow SJ.
We lost our planet attack 3-1 Saturday. See a future post for results of the entry trial.