12VR and SJ met recently in a series of competitive drops. Lists were limited to cbill limtis for each player. Puretech limited to clan or inner sphere technology trees for each team depending on the map. Repeating was limited to 2 asests but only 1 Argus per battle. There was some confusion for SJ as extra ammo was meant to count towards the money limit. A special thank you to 12VR Snow Gibbon for organizing the event and to all the pilots that played.
Map 1 TSA Mirage 75k IS/VR Clan/SJ
Kyro, Templar, Proxema, Spetsnazbear
Map 2 TSA Outpost 75k IS/SJ Clan/VR
Draconian, Kinray, Spetsnazbear, Proxema
Map 3 TC Deathvalley 65k IS both teams
Templar, Draconian, Spetsnazbear, Proxema, Kinray
Map 4 TC IcePlanet 95k Clan both teams
Spetsnazbear, Draconian, Kinray, Kyro, Templar
12VR won battle 4, SJ won battles 1-3.