SJ Proxema, SJ Vic Viper, and SJ Duelist challenged Wolverines Rebirth to a 175 ton limit, 3 variant ban battle on TSA_Jungle. WR Django, WR Bob, and WR Gnomeking formed the team for WR.

One match was not enough as the competition continued. 

The sames teams took part in two Chaos March drops with WR Gnomeking joining SJ to take on WR Burner, WR Bob, WR Django, and WR Marius.
 SJ Proxema and SJ Viper were crucial parts of the Chaos March drops that took place earlier in the day.
SJ Vic Viper, SJ Red, and SJ duelist came back Sunday night to face WR Django, WR Burner, and a public player during an organized TSA battle on TSA_Sandblasted. 

SJ won the first and lost the second 3v3 battle. SJ lost both Chaos March battles on jungle. SJ lost to WR in the Sunday night battle on Sandblasted.