The clan council is proud to announce the formation of our unit stars. This will help with organization and traning while bulding friendly competition through the clan. The trials and practices held over the past few months have clarified the choices to lead these stars. A traditional clan star consists of five players with an officer in command. The council identified the roughly twenty active players to create an intial four stars. Consideration for the leadership was based upon active players, leadership skills, and performance in public and organized games. Each of the stars will decide upon their group name. The stars will eventually begin to play together for training and coordination in activities. I will reach out to each leader to begin the process of beginning activities. SJ still stands on not requiring any player to participate more then he or she chooses. But some additional organization is called for as we stand at the beginning of the return of other clans to MWLL. The highest rank officer in each star is the leader. Consideration was given to how often players play together, player location, and compatible skills. New players that join SJ from this day forward will be assigned to a star. The following list is not organized in any manner other than to list the stars in the order they were created. A few reserve slots were created as we have more than 20 players. Congratulations to SJ Kidzin, SJ Rookzero, and SJ Rask666 for becoming star leaders. I will have more information in the coming weeks as we get used to the new structure.

Star 1

~SJ~ Duelist (commander)
~SJ~ Proxema
~SJ~ Phylex
~SJ~ Rishingo
~SJ~ Snow Leopard

Star 2

~SJ~ Kidzin (commander)
~SJ~ Templar
~SJ~ GrimAvenger
~SJ~ Firehound

~SJ~ Netra

Star 3

~SJ~ Rookzero (commander)
~SJ~ Carbonel
~SJ~ Spetnaszbear
~SJ~ Chefrev
~SJ~ Shirtyscarab554

~SJ~ Veritas

Star 4

~SJ~ Rask666 (leader)
~SJ~ Red
~SJ~ Dashfire
~SJ~ AntaresOne
~SJ~ Mitigator